Saturday, February 24, 2007
17 Muscle Building Facts I've Discovered
I've been a personal trainer and natural bodybuilder for the past 5 years.
During that time, I've discovered a lot of muscle building facts and fitness
I wanted to share some of the most important ones with you, in this article.
Here are 17 of the most important muscle building facts I've learned over
the years.
1. People do not see great results with their muscle building endeavors
simply because they are misinformed and misled as to what works and needs to be done. My job as a trainer is to inform and to educate people as to what
really works.
2. In order to stay with your fitness routine for the long run, you need to
identify the "why" behind what you're doing. Uncover, specifically, what you
want to change and why you want to change. Use this to become your driving
3. You absolutely must associate pleasure with your muscle building routine
and pain with not committing to your fitness routine. Humans by nature do
things that are pleasurable and avoid things that create pain.
4. We are after long-term, permanent results, so there will be no quick
fixes and gimmicks. We are going to create a lifestyle change that will be
easy to live with. No counting calories or points, just make better choices
and healthier, moderate portions.
5. Always think quality over quantity. This means more working out is not
better when it comes to building muscle, better is better. Most people I
come in contact with work out too much and eat too little.
6. The key to permanent fat-loss is to speed up your metabolism. Once this
is done, weight-loss becomes permanent.
7. The whole process of changing your body takes time. Commit yourself to at
least three months to literally transform your body. You may see some
results before then, but three months is what it takes to see great results.
8. During the first couple weeks of a muscle building program, you'll notice
that your scale weight either doesn't change or it may go up a bit.
Throw the scale out the window, it doesn't distinguish between fat and
muscle, so when you initially gain a bit of muscle at the start, the scale
weight will go up. That's a good thing. Over time the scale weight WILL go
9. You must eat often and in moderate amounts to speed up your metabolism.
If you eat often, your body utilizes and breaks down your food often,
leading to less stored body fat.
10. Eat 5-6 small meals/snacks throughout the day. The easiest way to do
this is to eat a moderate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and then a small
snack between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, and then a small snack
at night. You must condition your body to eat every 3 to 3 1/2 hours. You
cannot restrict calories too much, this will slow down metabolism and
absolutely stop progress dead in its tracks.
11. You must create a synergy between proper nutrition, moderate aerobic
exercise, and intense, brief weight-training. The answers to weight-loss lie
within each one of these. This is why diets, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig,
and other programs are not long-term successful. One or more of these
elements is missing.
12. Small, steady steps will lead to progression, which will lead to
results, which will increase motivation, which will again increase results,
which in turn will lead to long-term change.
13. For best results with building muscle and losing fat, 5 days a week, 30
minutes a day is most beneficial. More than 5 days and you risk
overtraining. Less than 5 days and you may not see optimal muscle building
14. You must incorporate resistance weight-training into your weight-loss
efforts. Fat is metabolized by muscle, muscle literally will burn more
calories just to maintain itself. Increased lean muscle tissue helps your
body to speed up its metabolism (again, increased metabolism being the key
to weight-loss.
15. Too much aerobic activity will be counterproductive to your muscle
building efforts. 2-3 days a week, 20-30 minutes each session is optimal.
Again, more is not better, better is better.
16. Diets do not work, so never try to diet. Diets are a flawed method which
create to much pain (pain/pleasure principle). You can diet for a short
time, but the physical and psychological cravings come, leading you to binge
and eat more than you would have.
17. Pick one day a week and cheat. Eat anything you want, and I mean
anything, but just make it a moderate amount. Then be strict for the other 6
days a week.
These were some of the most important muscle building facts I've learned
over the past 5 years. Follow as many as you can and you'll soon see more
results from your time spent in the gym.
Shawn Lebrun is a personal trainer and drug-free bodybuilder that offers a
proven muscle building and fat loss program. Get the most muscle and
definition possible in the least amount of time:
10 Fitness Mistakes We Can All Make
The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Self Improvement, Motivation and Empowerment. It is based on research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. This self improvement article was written in response to questions which have been asked on losing weight and long term weight loss as well as address common challenges that people have with this subject. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value.
10 Fitness Mistakes We Can All Make
Nearly every guy or gal who's tried dieting or fitness has dropped out of a program at least once. Such is life. Work and social events tend to get in the way, lack of adequate emotional support saps the willpower and boredom sets in. Eating the same kind of foods every day is boring.
Suiting up at the gym only to go through the same motions is also boring. But this kind of mood can be avoided with a bit of planning and a positive attitude. Here's a list of the most common mistakes people do when trying to get fit.
The number one mistake has to be the failure to plan ahead. Going to the gym with a vague target in mind is the best way to fail. If your target is unclear, how can you know if you've reached it or not? If you're a little vague on the details, maybe you need help.
Ask a doctor what's your ideal weight and make that your goal. Or focus on the number of inches you want to drop off your stomach, bottom and thighs. That works great, too.
Coming up with excuses to avoid going to the gym is second on this list. Yes, life tends to get in the way, but that can be arranged with some more planning. Don't quit the program just because something came up at the last moment. Reschedule your gym session and make sure you don't get lazy.
Don't work out too little. This may seem too obvious to belong here, but a lot of people lift two dumbbells a couple of times and think they're done for the day. Sit down at the table for half an hour and come up with a sound training program. If you don't know enough to make your own program ask a gym trainer or a veteran bodybuilder to help you. People are usually quite happy to show off their knowledge.
Too much fitness is also bad. Muscles need time to grow and the body needs time to burn fat. Some people think that the body only burns up fat during exercises, but this is not true. The more muscles mass you have, the faster calories get burnt because muscles need energy for maintenance all the time. Even when you're resting. Overtraining will simply make you tired without any additional benefits.
When it comes to the subject of self improvement, I fully understand (through my own experiences) that it is a lot easier said than done. However, you are here, right now, because you have a desire to improve your self or you are at least interested in this subject. Perhaps you are reading this to help a friend or colleague - great. If this article helps you or you help a friend, paying it forward is what lif'e all about so we all win.
======END SIDEBAR======
Never compare yourself to others. We are all unique individuals with unique genetic make-ups governing our weight gain, weight loss and response to training. You shouldn't rate your performance according to the achievements of others, but stick to your own pace and your own goal. If you're trying too hard too soon, you're simply asking to fail.
Don't do the same things over and over. There's no better way to lose motivation that doing the same exercises in the same order over and over again. Learn to juggle around with the exercises that form your routine and replace them with new ones every now and then. Find variations on a classic exercise and try them out. Make things interesting for yourself
Don't stroll into the pub straight from the gym and keep alcohol consumption on a tight leash. Alcohol has extra calories that you don't want and is also metabolized as fat and very fast. Pumping iron in the gym for 45 minutes and then throwing the entire effort away with a couple of beers is not a good way to move forward.
Keep a close eye on your meals. Drop the fast food and snacks from your daily eating plan and forget about soft drinks. At the same time avoid starving yourself. This is a huge mistake and a lot of people do it. Never assume that you can tank your way through a fitness program while starving yourself because you'll only end up in a hospital. Muscles need nourishing meals in order to grow and starvation is a bad way to diet anyway.
And, lastly, never look for a magic fix that can save you all the trouble. You can't lose weight sitting around and moping in front of the TV or computer. It just doesn't happen. So get out and go to that gym because it's good for you. And no excuses!
NOW is the time!
O.K. you have read the article. Now is the time for action. Without action, this article adds no value whatsoever to your self improvement. But remember, without action, you cannot blame this self improvement article or any article for that matter. So, take action NOW.
Even if only one piece of advice, one piece of information, one tip makes a difference, then the whole article has been worth it for all of us. NOW is the time!
Be the person you want to be, you deserve it!
Even If You've Been Overweight And Out Of Shape For Years, Andrew Gee has done extensive research into weight loss and what works. Find out valuable information about our free and dedicated customer support and our online health, fitness and weight loss program.
Be the person you want to be and visit us at Long Term Weight Loss
Article Source:
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Atkins Diet Menu Plan And Weight Loss
by Nikola
Atkins diet free advice are easy to find since it has been around ever since the mid 1970s. However only in recent years, it has gain in reputation as every day more people becomes aware of the dangers of being over weight.
Because lots of people had a trouble keeping with a low fat, low energy diet, they started to search for new ways to lose fat and they discovered a tremendous one in a diet Dr.Atkins invented.
Lately a significant amount of over weight individuals have started to use Dr.Atkins diet, and the results that most of them achieved have produced a large publicity.
Essentials of Atkins diet
The Atkins diet is established on a premise of the reason why we grow excess fat. In this theory proposed by Dr. Atkins, eating high amount of simple sugars and carbohydrates results is weight gain. The method in which our body system process the simple carbohydrates we include in our regular diet is more important then the calories we consume.
In an Atkins diet book, there are many references to occurrence which he calls the insulin resistance. The theory is that many of people with weight problem have a problem with their body cells and that these cells do not function as properly as they should.
In times when we consume too much sugars and carbohydrates, our bodies notice that levels of sugar are very high. Insulin is produced by the pancreas gland as a system to accumulate sugar in a nature of glycogen. That sugar is then being stored in our liver and muscles for added energy later in case we might need it.
The problem is that our bodies can not store unlimited amount of glycogen. The same moment that we reach this threshold our bodies commence stockpile it as fat, us elater on.
However insulin resistant people have a yet harder time using and storing carbohydrates. As your body is exposed to large amounts of insulin, it gradually becomes resistant to it. Our body cells are essentially shielding them selves from high amounts of insulin doing this. Because of that, they manufacture more fat and smaller quantities of glycogen.
As a result insulin resistant people begin to gain additional fat. The cause for this is that the carbohydrates are transformed into fat and not energy. Most common side effects are low blood sugar, high blood sugar, bloating, depression, lack of focus, fatigue, bad memory and sleepiness.
In fact insulin resistance has the ability to cause you many more health predicament then merely having a few pounds more.
Very good treatment for insulin resistant individuals is a low carb diet. That is the key part of Atkins diet, restricted carbohydrates intake. Some of the limited food groups are: any foods with high percentage of sugar as well as some of the complex carbohydrates like bread, rice or grains.
At times even healthy carbohydrates like rice or whole-wheat bread can be limited.
What Dr.Atkins diet do is that it places a restriction to your every day carb consumption to no more then 40 grams daily. The outcome that this has on your body is that it places your body in a state of ketosis.
So what is a ketosis? In essence it is a condition when your body uses fat for fuel. An added substantial ketosis outcome is that it has a strong effect on an insulin production, which puts a stop to extra fat storing.
Together this will force the body to start burning fat as a very efficient fuel supply and that will have as result a weight loss.
In the course of ketosis, you will as well feel a great deal less carb cravings. It happened to anyone of us, you start munching candy bar and there is no way for you to stop. The more carbohydrates you eat the more you need them.
A lot of people who have tried diet by Dr.Atkins have reported a good deal lower need for eating carbohydrates then before the diet. And yet you need to be avare that the earliest chapter of diet by Dr.Atkins is to a certain extent restricted, and extremely strenuous for most people to keep with. That is why some of them quit or do not reach adequate results. You need to see it from the proper angle, Atkins diet will explain to you how to reinstate the balance to your diet in the long run.
If you look at it this way you will surely accomplish something and will undergo a big reduction in body fat. Ultimately as you progress you will again start to reintroduce carbs to your daily diet, the difference is you are now going to have the knowledge how to use them properly.
The starting values that are the basis of Atkins diet have since been used on numerous new low carb diets, but the Atkins diet was first and it remains to be one of the most popular diets.
About the author
Want to start with weight loss program but do not know how? Visit us and get all the Atkins diet online info you need to lose weight.Friday, February 9, 2007
60 Minutes Report on Hoodia
Each year, people spend more than $40 billion on products designed to help them slim down. None of them seem to be working very well.
Now along comes hoodia. Never heard of it? Soon it'll be tripping off your tongue, because hoodia is a natural substance that literally takes your appetite away.
It's very different from diet stimulants like Ephedra and Phenfen that are now banned because of dangerous side effects. Hoodia doesn't stimulate at all. Scientists say it fools the brain by making you think you're full, even if you've eaten just a morsel. Correspondent Lesley Stahl reports.
"Hoodia, a plant that tricks the brain by making the stomach feel full, has been in the diet of South Africa's Bushmen for thousands of years."
Because the only place in the world where hoodia grows wild is in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa.
Nigel Crawhall, a linguist and interpreter, hired an experienced tracker named Toppies Kruiper, a local aboriginal Bushman, to help find it. The Bushmen were featured in the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy."
Kruiper led 60 Minutes crews out into the desert. Stahl asked him if he ate hoodia. "I really like to eat them when the new rains have come," says Kruiper, speaking through the interpreter. "Then they're really quite delicious."
When we located the plant, Kruiper cut off a stalk that looked like a small spiky pickle, and removed the sharp spines. In the interest of science, Stahl ate it. She described the taste as "a little cucumbery in texture, but not bad."
So how did it work? Stahl says she had no after effects - no funny taste in her mouth, no queasy stomach, and no racing heart. She also wasn't hungry all day, even when she would normally have a pang around mealtime. And, she also had no desire to eat or drink the entire day. "I'd have to say it did work," says Stahl.
Although the West is just discovering hoodia, the Bushmen of the Kalahari have been eating it for a very long time. After all, they have been living off the land in southern Africa for more than 100,000 years.
Some of the Bushmen, like Anna Swartz, still live in old traditional huts, and cook so-called Bush food gathered from the desert the old-fashioned way.
The first scientific investigation of the plant was conducted at South Africa's national laboratory. Because Bushmen were known to eat hoodia, it was included in a study of indigenous foods.
"What they found was when they fed it to animals, the animals ate it and lost weight," says Dr. Richard Dixey, who heads an English pharmaceutical company called Phytopharm that is trying to develop weight-loss products based on hoodia.
Was hoodia's potential application as an appetite suppressant immediately obvious?
"No, it took them a long time. In fact, the original research was done in the mid 1960s," says Dixey.
It took the South African national laboratory 30 years to isolate and identify the specific appetite-suppressing ingredient in hoodia. When they found it, they applied for a patent and licensed it to Phytopharm.
Phytopharm has spent more than $20 million so far on research, including clinical trials with obese volunteers that have yielded promising results. Subjects given hoodia ended up eating about 1,000 calories a day less than those in the control group. To put that in perspective, the average American man consumes about 2,600 calories a day; a woman about 1,900.
"If you take this compound every day, your wish to eat goes down. And we've seen that very, very dramatically," says Dixey.
But why do you need a patent for a plant? "The patent is on the application of the plant as a weight-loss material. And, of course, the active compounds within the plant. It's not on the plant itself," says Dixey.
So no one else can use hoodia for weight loss? "As a weight-management product without infringing the patent, that's correct," says Dixey.
But what does that say about all these weight-loss products that claim to have hoodia in it? Trimspa says its X32 pills contain 75 mg of hoodia. The company is pushing its product with an ad campaign featuring Anna Nicole Smith, even though the FDA has notified Trimspa that it hasn't demonstrated that the product is safe.
Some companies have even used the results of Phytopharm's clinical tests to market their products.
"This is just straightforward theft. That's what it is. People are stealing data, which they haven't done, they've got no proper understanding of, and sticking on the bottle," says Dixey. "When we have assayed these materials, they contain between 0.1 and 0.01 percent of the active ingredient claimed. But they use the term hoodia on the bottle, of course, so they -- does nothing at all."
But Dixey isn't the only one who's felt ripped off. The Bushmen first heard the news about the patent when Phytopharm put out a press release. Roger Chennells, a lawyer in South Africa who represents the Bushmen, who are also called "the San," was appalled.
"The San did not even know about it," says Chennells. "They had given the information that led directly toward the patent."
The taking of traditional knowledge without compensation is called "bio-piracy."
"You have said, and I'm going to quote you, 'that the San felt as if someone had stolen the family silver,'" says Stahl to Chennells. "So what did you do?"
"I wouldn't want to go into some of the details as to what kind of letters were written or what kind of threats were made," says Chennells. "We engaged them. They had done something wrong, and we wanted them to acknowledge it."
Chennells was determined to help the Bushmen who, he says, have been exploited for centuries. First they were pushed aside by black tribes. Then, when white colonists arrived, they were nearly annihilated.
"About the turn of the century, there were still hunting parties in Namibia and in South Africa that allowed farmers to go and kill Bushmen," says Chennells. "It's well documented."
The Bushmen are still stigmatized in South Africa, and plagued with high unemployment, little education, and lots of alcoholism. And now, it seemed they were about to be cut out of a potential windfall from hoodia. So Chennells threatened to sue the national lab on their behalf.
"We knew that if it was successful, many, many millions of dollars would be coming towards the San," says Chennells. "Many, many millions. They've talked about the market being hundreds and hundreds of millions in America."
In the end, a settlement was reached. The Bushmen will get a percentage of the profits -- if there are profits. But that's a big if.
The future of hoodia is not yet a sure thing. The project hit a major snag last year. Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, which had teamed up with Phytopharm, and funded much of the research, dropped out when making a pill out of the active ingredient seemed beyond reach.
Dixey says it can be made synthetically: "We've made milligrams of it. But it's very expensive. It's not possible to make it synthetically in what's called a scaleable process. So we couldn't make a metric ton of it or something that is the sort of quantity you'd need to actually start doing something about obesity in thousands of people."
Phytopharm decided to market hoodia in its natural form, in diet shakes and bars. That meant it needed the hoodia plant itself.
But given the obesity epidemic in the United States, it became obvious that what was needed was a lot of hoodia - much more than was growing in the wild in the Kalahari. And so they came here.
60 Minutes visited one of Phytopharm's hoodia plantations in South Africa. They'll need a lot of these plantations to meet the expected demand.
Agronomist Simon MacWilliam has a tall order: grow a billion portions a year of hoodia, within just a couple of years. He admitted that starting up the plantation has been quite a challenge.
"The problem is we're dealing with a novel crop. It's a plant we've taken out of the wild and we're starting to grow it,' says MacWilliam. "So we have no experience. So it's different? diseases and pests which we have to deal with."
How confident are they that they will be able to grow enough? "We're very confident of that," he says. "We've got an expansion program which is going to be 100s of acres. And we'll be able - ready to meet the demand.
This could be huge, given the obesity epidemic. Phytopharm says it's about to announce marketing plans that will have meal-replacement hoodia products on supermarket shelves by 2008.
MacWilliam says these products are a slightly different species from the hoodia Stahl tasted in the Kalahari Desert. "It's actually a lot more bitter than the plant that you tasted," says MacWilliam.
The advantage is this species of hoodia will grow a lot faster. But more bitter? How bad could it be? Stahl decided to find out. "Not good," she says.
Phytopharm says that when its product gets to market, it will be certified safe and effective. They also promise that it'll taste good.
For more information, please visit, Our Resource and Hoodia Chaser
About the author
Hoodia best resource>Thursday, February 8, 2007
Elliptical Exercise Reviews – Truth Or Hype?
Before purchasing any type of elliptical exercise equipment, it just makes sense to read how the various brands and models are rated in elliptical exercise reviews. This will allow you to make an informed and conscious consumer decision about which particular trainer best meets your personal needs and which machine will provide you with the best performance for your dollar.
Overall, elliptical exercising equipment has earned increasing popularity since its introduction into the fitness marketplace in the late 1990's. As with other consumer products, quite naturally, the number of elliptical trainer ratings found on consumer websites grows as more machines are being reviewed by fitness professionals and home fitness buffs.
It is important when reviewing any reports on home fitness equipment to make certain that the equipment comparisons you read are accurate and dependable. In order for elliptical machine ratings, as well as other exercise equipment comparisons to be taken seriously, they must be objective. This means that such reviews of ellipticals should contain specific and detailed information in order for consumers to benefit from them.
As a consumer who's in the market for an elliptical trainer, it's up to you to decide which particular ratings are trustworthy. Exercise equipment reviews should be comprehensive. In other words, they should contain specific information about a particular model and brand of machines. An objective comparison of any type of home fitness equipment is neither all negative nor all positive, but instead offers a valid rating based on a particular machine as a whole. A valid comparison of training equipment discusses specifics rather than generalities.
What to Look for When Reviewing Elliptical Trainers
The best elliptical machine review contains information regarding how a particular machine compares to others in its price category. It's impossible to honestly rate any type of home fitness equipment based on invalid comparisons.
Let's say for instance that one of the elliptical trainers being compared sells for $500, while the other sells for $1500. These two particular machines are nowhere near the same price category. So, in this case, the rating issued or expressed for either of these cross trainers can't possibly be accurate. Remember, you get what you pay for, and a review that compares any type of exercise equipment from such differing price ranges is like comparing a Kia to a Cadillac. The fact is, there's no comparison at all here.
About the author
David Casey is a contributing author for, a consumer guide offering unbiased elliptical trainer product reviews. Visit the site to find the best elliptical machine at a price you can afford.Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Does the Low-Carbohydrate Diet Work?
With slim people filling the catwalks and the red carpet premieres in boob tubes and magazine features, it is hard not to feel the urge to also lose those pounds and be able to wear the same dress or outfit as your favorite celebrities. These kinds of media coverages are perhaps the instigators for young America to shape up and slim down.
Because of the recent emphasis on slimness and thinness, a slew of diet programs have started to saturate the market. From nowhere, diet plans such as the Atkins Diet, the South Beach diet, the Macrobiotic, the cabbage soup, the Weight Watcher's Program and a lot more, have materialized.
Despite some of the criticisms hurled at these diet programs, most of them actually work. In fact, a lot of celebrities are faithful to some of these diet plans. Some even endorse the programs. Among the most popular and the most controversial are the low carbohydrate diets because of their positive and negative aspects.
Some criticize the diet plans as something that can lead to starvation. The lessening of carbohydrates in the diet and emphasis on proteins can hurt the liver in the long run. Some also do not like the fact that most of these diet plans have prepared and pre-packed foods given to the dieters, something which people find really dubious.
Still, compared to other diets, especially those that are unstructured, low carbohydrate diets are already pretty advantageous. In fact, among the kinds of diets in the market, low carb diets are the most successful perhaps because of their rate of effectiveness. Here are some of the advantages of these low carb diets.
No starvation
Compared to other kinds of diets, especially the unofficial self-made kind, low carbohydrate diets do not starve you. You will still eat three times a day. Sometimes, you can even eat some snacks. These diets do not believe in allowing their dieters not to eat several days in a row. They do not even countenance skipping of meals, something that most dieters do thinking that it will make them lose weight faster.
With low carbohydrate diets, dieters are asked to forego with carbohydrate-laded foods. Examples of these are rice, corn, bread, dairy products, egg, etc. For the first part of the diet, they are only allowed to eat proteins, meat, fish and of course vegetables.
Some low-carb diets also incorporate a little bit of an exercise component. Although too much activity is also not good because of the low concentration of carbohydrates in the body, which supplies the energy, some form of exercise is also needed to improve blood circulation.
Support group
Another great thing about these low-carb diet programs is the fact that it provides its dieters a support group that will help them through their diet program. Some even provide counseling sessions especially to those who have to lose a lot of weight.
Pre-packed and balance meals
Most of these low carbohydrate diet programs have already prepared foods and meals that are supervised by dieticians and nutritionists. Because of this, you can be sure that what you are eating is nutritious.
Change in Lifestyle
By signing up with the program, little by little, your eating lifestyle will also change. Because you have gotten used to eating veggies, you will be craving for it even after the program.
About the author
Pick up your free copy of the Low-Carb Diet Secrets report. Over 50 pages of the latest research jam-packed into an easy-to-read format, full of successful solutions that have been tried and tested.... http://ensureyoursuccess.netTuesday, February 6, 2007
Jingle Bell Walk For Charity
A fun fundraiser for the holiday season is doing a Jingle Bell Walk for your favorite cause. It can be a great fundraising event for a school, church group, medical research, or any other nonprofit group.
The basic premise is very simple. You gather a group of people who will walk a certain distance or route and you raise funds for charity through sponsorship donations.
The fun thing about this event is it's holiday theme and festive air. Every walker ties jingle bells to their shoelaces and as they walk, the happy noise brings smiles to the faces of everyone involved, event spectators, and even passerby.
Raising funds
You raise funds with your Jingle Bell Walk for a chartable cause by seeking both corporate and individual sponsorship donations. Companies like being involved with a family-oriented event with a festive air, a holiday theme, and a good cause.
Contact companies well ahead of time with a fundraising donation request letter. Explain why you are raising funds, ask for their help, offer different levels of sponsorship, and highlight your fundraising walkathon's holiday theme. Be sure to include a donation form with suggested amounts and a pre-addressed envelope.
Individual sponsorship donations are another excellent way to raise funds. Each walker in your Jingle Bell Walk should help raise funds by getting their friends and family to sponsor their participation.
Popular approaches are donations by set amount ($5 or $10 is common) or by distance ($5 per mile, etc.). Ask each participating walker to raise at least $50 in individual donations.
Getting publicity
Increase participation with news coverage by local newspapers, radio, and television stations. Follow the standard press release format of a summary paragraph followed by specific details.
Your press release should highlight why you are raising funds and provide event specifics such as date, time, and contact information. To maximize your chances of getting good press, be sure to include a unique newsworthy angle such as pictures of previous events or of the good work being done by your cause.
You can even include a pair of jingle bells to attach to their own shoelaces along with an invitation to participate in the event.
This is a fun fundraising event that is easily put together. All you need is a good place to walk, a large supply of jingle bells, and some eager participants. Promote your cause with good publicity techniques to increase your turnout.
Use standard corporate and individual sponsorship techniques to raise funds. Seek corporate sponsors to defray event costs. Provide each participant with a donation request letter to use for seeking individual sponsors. Set a minimum sponsorship level for all your walkers and offer prizes for top fund raisers.
Plan ahead and your Jingle Bell Walk will be a fun fundraiser for all concerned.
About the author
Kimberly Reynolds writes about fundraiser event ideas on her website. Find hundreds of fundraising ideas on her website at www.fundraiserhelp.comEnergy Drinks - Should You Drink Them?
What do you do when you feel exhausted and beat but need to stay alert and awake? Simple, you take an energy drink and feel invigorated and instantly alive enough to finish whatever late night work you need to do. Energy drinks are beverages that are meant to be a quick fix for the exhausted and sleepy.
For instance, if you are a student who needs to pull an all nighter to finish studying for an exam early the next morning. After your hard day at school, it can be extremely difficult to stay up and not fall asleep on your notes. To help you keep going, energy drinks were intended to be the cramming student's companion.
Energy drinks can be confused with sports drink but these are completely different. However, there are some hybrids that have been manufactured that combine the benefits of energy drinks along with sports drinks. The main difference between the two is that sports drinks contain electrolytes as well as sodium to help the body absorb and retain valuable liquids that have been lost during sports or other strenuous activities.
Energy drinks on the other hand is mainly a mixture of caffeine, sugar, some herbs like ginseng and other alert giving substances that are meant to help one maximize the length of hours that he or she is awake for in a given day.
There are some controversies behind energy drinks. Some interest groups are making noise about the amount of caffeine that these energy drinks contain. In fact, it is true that most energy drinks contain caffeine concentrations higher than that in a cup of espresso. This some people say is problematic because pregnant women, children and people who suffer from anxiety disorders may suffer inadvertent adverse effects.
Also, caffeine is the world's most extensively used mood altering substance and it also happens to be addictive so there are some who voice their concern against the caffeine concentration found in these energy drinks. Although, it would be important to note that no strong claims have been set to back any complains by interest groups about the health implications of energy drinks.
The fact is that taking energy drinks is a choice. Most, if not all energy drinks list their ingredients on their labels and here they also list the concentrations of each of the ingredients so that consumers know what it is exactly that they are taking. Also, sometimes, taking energy drinks is the only choice when in a tight fit.
This is true not only for cramming students but for business and professional individuals who need to be able to pack in more hours than would usually be allowed by the body. Late nights working to finish a presentation that may help get that promotion is an endeavor surely worth the aid of energy drinks.
Like everything however, energy drinks should be taken moderately and only when absolutely needed. Also, be sure to be aware about how much energy drinks you've downed in one sitting. One dose of energy drink is supposed to keep you going for some hours so it is probably wise not to take more than one dose of energy drink at a time. Also, it is better to drink the sugar free types of energy drink so that sugar crashes are avoided.